October 10, 2024

Immersion Datacenter Cooling: Sustainability and ESG

Nick Hume delves deeper into the environmental sustainability benefits of immersion cooling, focusing on its impact on Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE), Water Usage Effectiveness (WUE), and heat reuse.

The article includes the video we collaborated on with our partners at Shell. The video reminds us that the World Economic Forum has recognised immersion cooling as one of the best transformation energy innovations in the last decade. We of course agree!

Read the full article here ➡️ https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/immersion-datacenter-cooling-sustainability-esg-nick-hume/?trackingId=teH6kFd%2BT9u0gBsiaIdslA%3D%3D

Want to know more? Book a knowledge session with our team to get started ➡️ https://ow.ly/k6Oq50OZ5Nz

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